API documentation

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This method allows you to find skins by the specified name for further withdraw.

HTTP Request

GET https://skinify.io/api/withdraw/search

GET parameters

Parameter Required Description
game check Available values: dota2, csgo, rust, tf2
name check Skin name (market hash name) or array with names


The response will contain a skins array, which contains the following data:

Parameter Description
id Skin ID (use this ID to withdraw a specific skin)
name Skin Name
price The price of the skin (in USD)
properties Properties of the skin from the Steam inventory. For example, ‘classid’ can be used to get a skin image.

Response example

  "status": "success",
  "skins": [
    "id": "13544",
    "name": "Training Chest Plate",
    "price": 1.3,
    "properties": {
    "classid": "3625524307"

Possible Errors

Error Description
name_required Missing parameter ‘name’ (name must be string or array)
name_too_short The minimum length of the skin name is 3 characters. Check the ‘name’ parameter and what data is passed to it
withdraw_unavailable The withdraw is temporarily unavailable