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Create Steam offer

Create an trade offer in Steam manually to avoid redirecting the user to our resource.
Do this if you don’t want the user to leave your site when creating a deposit.

HTTP Request

POST https://skinify.io/api/create-steam-offer

POST Parameters

Parameter Required Description
deposit_id (or transaction_id) check Deposit ID in your system or Transaction ID in our system
game check Available values: dota2, csgo, rust, tf2
items[] check Array of strings of IDs of items received from the user’s inventory. These items will go into Steam trade offer.

Response example

  "success": true,
  "currency": "usd",
  "tradeofferid": "6369349559"

Parameters Description

Parameter Description
currency The currency of the payment tied to the trade.
tradeofferid Trade ID on Steam.

Possible Errors

Error Description
invalid_game Invalid game parameter.
deposit_id_or_transaction_id_missing Missing value of deposit_id or transaction_id.
invalid_transaction_id Invalid transaction_id value.
deposit_not_found Deposit was not found.
request_deposit_inventory You did not pass steam_id and/or user_trade_token when creating the payment.
order_changed_state The payment has already changed its status and an trade offer cannot be created.
nothing_things_selected Missing items[] parameter.
required_params_missing Missing required parameters.
inventory_updated Update your inventory, some items are no longer available for trade.
min_deal_sum The deposit amount is less than the minimum amount set in the settings.
account_cant_trading The user cannot trade in Steam.
steam_error Failed to create an trade due to an error in Steam.
private_inventory User inventory is private.
unavaliable_inventory User inventory is unavaliable.
invalid_tradeurl Value of user_trade_token in deposit is invalid.
empty_inventory Empty user inventory.
trade_unavailable Steam trades are not available for the user, more information will be provided on Steam.
you_have_vac_ban The user has a VAC ban.
invalid_tradelink_or_steam_error Value of user_trade_token in deposit is invalid or steam_error.