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Purchase Status

Information about the purchased skin. The method allows you to find out the identifier of the trade offer, as well as whether the skin is accepted by the user (or rejected).

HTTP Request

GET https://skinify.io/api/withdraw/info

GET parameters

Parameter Required Description
check purchase_id from withdraw/buy method. ou can pass either an array of IDs or a comma-separated string.
ustom_id passed by you to method withdraw/buy. You can pass either an array of IDs or a comma-separated string.


The response will contain a items array, which contains the following data:

Parameter Description
skin Object containing data about the purchased skin
purchase_id Purchase ID
purchase_status Purchase status
1.processing — trade is being processed
2.waiting_accept — waiting for the user to accept trade
3.accepted — trade was accepted by the user
4.canceled — trade was rejected by the user
5.timeout — waiting time for accepting trade has ended (5 minutes)
6.error_invalid_token — invalid ‘token’ parameter was passed
7.error_user_not_tradable — user has restrictions on accepting trades
8.error_create_failed — failed to create trade (try again)
date Purchase date (unix timestamp)
balance_debited_amount The amount debited from the balance
custom_id The custom_id you passed
steam_id User’s Steam ID
trade_offer_id Steam Trade Offer ID (exists if only trade was created)

Response example

  "status": "success",
  "items": [
    "skin": {
    "id": "11552",
    "name": "Crimson Pique",
    "price": "0.3",
    "properties": {
      "classid": "1723113626"
    "purchase_id": "1",
    "purchase_status": "waiting_accept",
    "steam_id": "76561199191754048",
    "date": "1643713700",
    "balance_debited_amount": "0.3",
    "trade_offer_id": "123123123",
    "custom_id": "1234"
    "skin": {
    "id": "11054",
    "name": "Taunt: Giddy Up!",
    "price": "0.3",
    "properties": {
        "classid": "959992716"
    "purchase_id": "2",
    "purchase_status": "processing",
    "steam_id": "76561197972611406",
    "date": "1643714026",
    "balance_debited_amount": "0.3",
    "custom_id": "1234"

Possible Errors

Error Description
missing_one_of_required_params One of the required parameters is missing (‘purchased_ids’ or ‘custom_ids’)